Mountain Man's Little Sister: A Mountain Man Romance Page 6
She preferred her reading device or a book. In the week that followed, I grew to realize how great my little town was. Penny was lucky to be entering into motherhood in a place like this. I knew that she might not see it that way, but she’d have endless support from her family and friends. If she went to New York, she might have nobody. I didn’t know much about her life there, but she didn’t talk about close friends or even about her husband.
It took two weeks but one morning, I exited the back to see her in line. Penny was dressed for running but I didn’t think that she did much jogging in her current condition. Her eyes rose and met mine and I knew that she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.
“Good Morning!” I greeted her when she reached me. Her big eyes were sad.
“Can I get some tea and one of those cakes? Do you remember it?” Penny asked and I nodded, noting the change in her drink.
“I do, Penny. I’ve got this covered. Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll bring this out to you.” I offered.
“Thank you.”
I watched as she walked slowly across the room to the same couch as before, curling her feet under her. She leaned back and wrapped her arms around her stomach protectively, closing her eyes for a moment.
“Who is that girl?” Marni asked from beside me.
Marnie was the daughter of a regular customer and ran this place for me with the help of another couple of people. She was young enough to not recognize Penny and I reached for the hot water to pour a cup.
“You know Mark Jackson?”
“Yes.” Marni nodded.
“She is his younger sister, Penny. She just came back to take care of her mama,” I said looking at Penny’s innocent face.
Marni had met Nancy a few times and adored her like everyone else.
“They look so much alike. She’s pretty.” Marni smiled and said.
Marni was always positive and upbeat. It was one of the reasons I kept her around. I had to agree. I cut a slice of the cake and took tea to the place that Penny sat, still curled up on the couch. Penny jumped as I sat down beside her, smiling weakly.
“Thank you,” she said as she let her feet slide to the floor and looked at the cup and plate. Penny stared at me afterward for a moment and licked her lower full lip. “I’m pregnant. Just over two months to be exact.”
“Congratulations,” I offered as she met my eyes.
“I came here with no plans to return to New York. He stopped feeling anything for me, but I offered him the chance to be a part of this. He…told me that he doesn’t want to be a part of the baby’s life. He even asked me for an abortion. We’ve agreed to divorce and now I’m here. I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”
I moved closer and took her hand.
“You have your family behind you. You have me…” I promised her as she smiled weakly. “This is a great place to raise a child, Penny.” I wanted to hug her tightly but somehow managed to control.
“It is. I just never thought it would be this way.” She reached for her tea, sipping the cooling liquid with a grateful expression on her face. “I thought it would be Bri first.”
“Don’t think for a minute they won’t be involved. Mark will treat the baby like it’s his. Bri will be the best aunt in the world. Lindsay…she’ll be the best and most loving cousin.”
Penny smiled wider as I spoke, brushing tears from her cheeks.
“I know this is a blessing to share with them,” She said as I leaned in to wipe another tear.
I felt the spark and froze for a second meeting her wide eyes. I knew that I was drawn to Penny when I saw her for the first time. She’d been that kid who worshiped her older brother who would do anything to protect her. When she got older, she grew into a beautiful woman that made me think things that would get me killed. I never told anyone about my feelings but here in this moment, I knew she was everything.
We stayed there while she ate and expressed her fears and doubts about the baby. I could see the relief in her eyes as she released the feelings she might not feel comfortable expressing to her family. I remained there longer than planned, returning to the counter to help the line as Marni smiled knowingly at me.
Penny waved to me before leaving and I watched her go through the door. She was going to be fine. She’d told me that Penn assured her that she’d have money to save for the baby through the divorce agreement, leaving her to relax and make plans.
I left the cafe and went to the auto shop to help with a truck, trying to use the distraction to keep my thoughts off of Penny. Working had always been my escape from life. I learned from my dad that hard work paid off and he’d always been right.
Mom told me that before I came into their lives, he spent hours working to save for them. After they adopted me, Dad started to stay home more.
I left the shop and glanced at my phone, seeing that it was just after seven. I stopped by the store for some strawberry ice cream and walked up to Nancy’s door with the bag in my hands.
Bri opened the door and grinned at me. “Hey there. What brings you here?”
“I brought dessert,” I told her holding up the bag. I’d bought two pints of ice cream and sundae fixings and she raised a brow.
“Come in. Lindsay was asking for ice cream. You must be psychic.”
Bri stepped away from the door to allow me in, closing it behind both of us. I entered the living room to pass into the kitchen, catching Penny’s eyes as she glanced up from her book. She smiled, and I chuckled as Lindsay followed me when her mom announced what I brought over.
Chapter 7
I hoped it was Walden when I heard the doorbell. He was nothing to me for years other than my brother’s friend. I had the usual pesky habits of following them.
When we were all older, we went our separate ways. I couldn’t be in more of a hurry to leave for college, even if it was just a few towns over. I loved living in Montana but craved my independence. I lived life and studied hard at the university, visiting Mom often. I watched Mark become a father and fell in love with my niece. I also watched him end things with his wife and become a single father, needing to sacrifice to provide for her.
I moved back after college to help with Lindsay. I joined Frannie in her photography business and started to travel with her, seeing places I had only dreamed of and meeting amazing people. Frannie told me that I had an eye for a great shot and I planned to continue with that a venue for the time being. I was able to see my family as well as travel and have a little fun. I felt like I was ignoring my college education but as long as I was paying off my loans, everything would work out.
I thought I would just keep on with that life until I met Penn on a gorgeous beach. Something about the tropical air and his stunning good looks made me give in to my desires. I assumed that it would be a summer fling, but he wanted more. Penn started contacting me a lot over the next few months, sending flowers and candy to me when I was in Montana. I thought it was serious when he came out there to meet my family.
I knew that my brother didn’t like him. Mama seemed hesitant but welcomed him into the family when he started talking about getting married. That commitment required me to move to New York and that was what gave me pause. I didn’t want to leave my mama, my niece, and my brother. We had a lot of growing to do together but I decided to choose marriage.
Penn gave me my dream wedding in the meadow by my house before we flew off to the big city. I felt like I became a different person there. I loved the excitement in the beginning and made do with the short visits to Montana. I thought he was worth it. I thought I was making a new life for myself.
I blinked as Bri called me to the kitchen, rising to fix myself a sundae. I smiled at the strawberry ice cream that he’d purchased for me, scooping some into a bowl and adding whipped cream. Lindsay had a huge bowl that Bri was blatantly ignoring.
“Hey, Walden. How are you?”
Mark walked into the living room from the hallway and looked around.
“Great,” Walden replied.
I went back to my spot with my bowl. I felt like I was in heaven with my family and this boy, but I also felt a bit like an alien. They joined me in the seats around the living room and chatted through laughter as I quietly observed them. Mark gave Walden a hard time for sugaring up his daughter, but it was meant with affection as Walden glanced at me.
I knew that I looked tired today. I’d been napping on and off all day in between bouts of nausea after my trip to the cafe that morning. Mama stroked my hair as I dozed on the couch, telling me that everything was going to be okay. We’d get through this together. A part of me knew that, but another part of me was stunned when Penn wanted nothing to do with the baby.
I knew that this was going to take some time to adjust to. I went to the cafe this morning to talk to Walden, knowing that he’d just listen. His support and looking into his eyes let me know that he would do so much more. I never thought of Walden as anything other than my brother’s friend.
I knew when I came to Montana this time that my family was trying to push him a little closer to me. I just thought he was a nice guy and that’s all anyone wanted for me. It felt too soon knowing things were in the air with Penn but that all changed. I had nothing to hold out for. I was also just over two months pregnant and hardly a catch. Could anyone want me this way?
Lindsay ended up going to bed in my room while Mama excused herself to her own room. I sensed that Mark was caught between playing the protective big brother and encouraging me to move on. The baby changed him as well. I knew that he would die for both of us. It was Bri that reached out her hand and told him to come to bed, leaving me with Walden in the room with just the TV on.
I felt nervous like I wanted to run out of the room. I felt like I was too much for any man. I looked at him as Walden moved beside me, his hands moving nervously in his lap.
“I saw you that first day a few weeks ago and couldn’t help but to think how beautiful you’ve become.” His words were soft, and I stared at him in the dim light. “I knew that you were married but I didn’t know the state of things. You were here to help. Nobody spoke of when you were returning home.”
I looked down and took a sip of water. “I knew that I came here with some idea to stay. Whatever I had with Penn died a long time ago and I missed my family. I thought it would be a clean break but then Bri told me to take the test. She thought my symptoms might be from pregnancy. We never tried and barely…” I shook my head.
“It was fate,” Walden told me as I glanced at him. “That’s probably why you met him.”
“How can he not want to know his own baby?” I asked as I felt Walden cover my hand with his.
“That’s his loss. You are going to be an amazing mom,” Walden assured me as I looked into his sincere face. He moved closer, looking into my eyes as I remained still. “Penny, I want to kiss you.”
I saw the need in his eyes and froze. Penn had barely looked at me with this kind of intensity in the beginning much less the end.
“Walden. Are you sure?”
“I have always had a crush on you. Well, not always. You’re not a little girl anymore and I’m a man that can and will take care of you.” His eyes burned with intent as the silence of the house settled in. “Both of you.”
Walden licked his soft lips and moved to me, cupping my face with his hands before he brushed his lips against mine. The electricity took me by surprise as I pressed closer, needing more. The desire that I thought I buried when things fell apart with Penn returned full force and I fought the urge to moan. Walden kissed me harder, molding his mouth to mine as he slipped one hand around my waist to tug me against him.
It felt like we kissed for hours but it could have been minutes. As Walden pulled back, I knew that the nagging thoughts in my head were coming to fruition. I wanted Walden. I was a mess when I left, craving independence and freedom.
“That felt as good as I always imagined it would,” Walden whispered as I smiled.
“I’m scared. This is all so new and I don’t want you to feel like you’re making a mistake,” I told him as tears sprung to my eyes.
Penn didn’t want me or this baby. Penn was throwing it all away after our vows to stay together until death do us part. Penn was married to his job and himself. He was always surrounded by his electronic gadgets.
“I don’t. I don’t feel that way. We can take this slow, Penny. I just want to support you through this.” His eyes told me how much he wanted me and didn’t want to take this slow.
I saw a man in them as opposed to the nice guy Mark hung around with. That scared me because Penn wanted me once as well. He was back in New York, a million miles away and I didn’t have to worry about him. Walden was here in my town, near my family. If we crashed and burned, it would affect everybody.
Walden stayed for a bit longer, kissing me senseless until he pulled away. “I should go. I have an early morning. Get some rest.”
“I will. Drive safe,” I told him as he gave me a long look.
Walden walked through the front door and I locked it behind him, turning off the lights in the kitchen before padding down the hallway to my room.
Lindsay was sleeping curled up on her side and I thought ahead to the day my own child would be doing this. Lindsay loved me but my baby would need me for everything. I knew that I always wanted it to be with a man that loved me. I had planned on it happening with Penn, but something went wrong.
I dropped to my pillow and took a deep breath, tired but full of racing thoughts.
We settled into a new routine following the news of my pregnancy. Bri would get up to cook breakfast, letting me sleep in. I knew that would change when they moved into their house next week, but they would be so close. I’d have plenty of help with Mama.
I fell into a pattern of walking to the cafe a few times a week. I’d go for a late breakfast, just curl up on a couch and get lost in my escape. When Walden was there, he’d watch me as he worked. He’d come to sit with me on breaks, flirting quietly as we laughed together.
Walden asked me to come to his cabin for dinner a week after our first kiss. He was moving slow. I could feel my family watching me as I walked into the living room, dressed in leggings and a soft sweater.
“Want me to drive you?” Mark asked me as I smiled at him.
“I haven’t driven anywhere on my own for a while. I’m fine, Mark,” I replied as he nodded from the couch.
I knew they were there for me and I went to kiss Mama’s warm cheek, pleased that she was doing so much better. Mark stood, and I hugged him, telling him to kiss Lindsay for me. I missed her in my bed with me. He walked me to the door and looked down at me, mixed emotions crossing his face.
“Walden is a good man, Penny. I know that he’ll do right by you, but I’ll end him if he hurts you,” Mark told me seriously as I smiled. “You’re better off without Penn. This baby is better off without him.”
“I know,” I replied as his face grew serious.
I’d gotten some papers in the mail breaking down my marriage. Penn was going to keep everything in New York and I was glad. I wanted none of it. He was giving me a significant sum of money that would give me and my child a good life.
He was revoking all rights to be a father.
I knew that I could move on even though it scared me. I’d said yes to dinner. I was driven crazy by our stolen kisses and long, heated looks.
I left Mark with Mama and drove across town to Walden’s cabin, my hands shaking the entire way.
I’d dated in town when I was younger, but they were typical young relationships. Penn was something else altogether, a storm that rocked my world at the same time it left me drowning. He brought me to the highest highs in the beginning and left me with little at the end. It was all a game to him and I had the biggest reminder of that growing in my stomach.
knew that Walden was going to be like night and day. I sensed this sincerity in him, in part due to the fact I’d known him for so long. He was also Mark’s best friend and would never risk his life dating me.
I glanced at my phone and turned down the long driveway, staring forward in the evening light. Walden’s cabin reminded me of Mark’s as I looked over the clean exterior with a nice yard in front of it. I remembered the house that he grew up in, thinking fondly of the spacious ranch house that I’d had the honor of visiting. It was beautiful, but this suited him.
I parked to the right of the driveway. I took the cake I baked for dessert from the passenger seat and headed to the large porch with a nervous smile on my face.
I’d chosen to wear light makeup and let my hair down tonight. Bri swore that I already had the pregnancy glow though I denied it.
I was ready to knock and trying to balance the cake when the heavy door swung open, revealing Walden in worn jeans and a thick green Henley. This brought out his eyes that shone in the porch light as he reached out to take the cake from me.
“What else would it be? That was always your favorite.” I smiled as he gestured me to come inside, watching as he took the cake to the kitchen.
His clothes fit his large frame perfectly and I felt something inside of me twist. I had heard about overactive pregnancy hormones but never experienced them. I’d never been overtly sexual, but this was a game changer.
I blinked as he glanced at me, deciding to check out the house. The cabin mainly consisted of a spacious living room with worn, comfortable couches that surrounded a large fireplace. There was a small fire burning and it cast a glow about the room as I smiled. This was perfect. I could see pictures hanging around the room as well as placed on surfaces, but I’d have to walk over to look at them. That idea disappeared when I felt arms wrap around me from behind, stroking my flat belly. I felt tears in my eyes as his hands stroked me gently before he pressed his lips to my hair.