Mountain Man's Little Sister: A Mountain Man Romance Read online

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  “When are you going to make an honest woman out of her?” Mark asked as I chuckled, taken back to when I asked him the same thing about his ex-wife.

  I regretted it as soon as I saw how unhappy he was, particularly after they had Lindsay.

  “The divorce is final in a month. I’m fixing to ask her that night over dinner, or something like that. I don’t think she’ll want to get married until after the baby comes. I am ready at any time. I’d do it now if I could. Is that too fast?” I asked as Mark laughed on the other end.

  “I waited too damn long with Bri. I was too stubborn and worried that she’d be a repeat of the past. Marrying her was the best thing I’ve ever done apart from Lindsay.” Mark’s voice was gruff. I heard the emotion in his voice. “You’ll see. That baby is a game changer.”

  “Don’t I know it?” I laughed in return, chatting for a bit longer before ending the call.

  I felt better knowing that I had a friend and a brother like Mark in my life. I walked into the house and saw Penny in the kitchen, sipping water.

  “Sleep well, Pen?” I asked as she glanced up at me. Her hair was long and curly around her shoulders as she smiled at me.

  “I did. Are you okay?” She asked as I walked over to her to kiss her softly.

  “I had a bit of a panic attack looking at those tiny clothes,” I murmured against her mouth before kissing her again.

  “I already had one, but I hid it.” She slipped her hand into my hair and drew me closer. “We can get through this together.”

  “Two more months and she’ll be here, Pen,” I said in awe as she stared into my eyes.

  “I know, Walden. I can’t wait, but I also feel like I need more time,” She told me as she smiled.

  “We’re going to be ready, Penny. She’s going to come home to a perfect house all set up for her. I’m going to take care of that for you,” I promised her as she lifted her face to mine for another kiss. “I love you both so much.”

  “I love you for everything you do for me,” She replied as I pulled her into my arms.

  I kept true to my promise. I had the nursery set up within a few weeks and she washed the clothes and hung them up in the closet. We had a small crib in our room for when she was small and the larger one in her room was ready and waiting. Penny decided on a very soft pink paint for the walls with more of a cream and pink tone for the crib and the decor.

  She’d never been a girl that was into bright pink, opting to tag along with me and Mark in the dirt when she was younger.

  The room was perfect for her and for Lillie once she was here. We still got small gifts from people for her arrival and I’d set them up as needed.

  It was at night when I wished my parents were here to see me. I wanted them to know that I was with Penny and that she was having a baby. They’d support my decision to take care of her fully and with all of the love they had to offer.

  I felt like something of an outcast growing up, being a kid with a background of alcoholism with my parents. I had a bad reputation in my hometown and while being adopted was a wonderful thing, I had a lot of insecurities left from my early years. My adoptive parents made sure that I was loved. I would do the some for this child.

  It was Mark and a couple of guys that accepted me as a friend, not caring about my past. His mother ultimately welcomed me with open arms and Penny was like a sweet, little sister to me. We were always together.

  I cried some nights, missing my parents. It wasn’t something I took pride in but when Penny found me, she’d wrap her arms around me and remind me that I still had a family to love me. She told me that she loved me.

  Chapter 11


  I found out the divorce was final a month before Lily was due. I stared at the papers; feeling relieved that is was over. It was also so strange that everything ended up this way.

  I set the papers down on the counter and reached for my water, longing for wine. I’d given myself a terrible guilt trip over drinking before I knew about the baby but Bri assured me that it was fine. I was told that I could even enjoy a glass here and there without any harm, but I chose not to.

  I knew that Walden was working at the auto shop through the evening. I called Bri to talk to her and she was enthusiastic about my future. I was lucky that Penn didn’t change his mind about his parental rights.

  I told Walden that I’d cook dinner for him and started fixing Mama’s spaghetti a few hours before he was supposed to arrive home. It was all from scratch and I listened to music on my phone as I worked. I’d called Mama earlier and she was happy that I was free to move on with my life.

  I was simmering the sauce and browning the meat when he walked in, dressed in his dirty jeans and shirt. I smiled at him and leaned in for a kiss before he told me he was going to take a shower.

  I had everything cooking together when he came out with damp hair, smelling of his soap. Walden was wearing a clean pair of jeans and a blue Henley that somehow brought out his eyes. I smiled at him, thinking how gorgeous he was and how lucky I was to have him. Walden wrapped me in his arms and looked around the kitchen with a smile.

  “Smells good in here.”

  “It will be ready in about half an hour. I’m having bread and salad with it,” I told him before he kissed me hard. There was something in his mouth today that made me wonder what was going on and I pulled him closer for a deeper kiss. “What’s gotten into you?” I asked as he pulled back.

  “I’m just happy to see you,” He told me with warmth in his eyes. He looked around and caught the papers on the counter. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yes. I am free.” I joked as he picked up the papers and read quickly through them.

  He smiled as he set them down, licking his lips quickly before he looked at me. Walden got a beer and helped me finish dinner, setting the table so we could sit down to eat. I smiled at him, feeling nothing but bliss now that I was free to love Walden.

  We ate and talked about Lily, both of us so excited. Everyone seemed to check in on us all of the time and it was exhausting. I was helping Francesca with her website for the photography business just to stay busy.

  I took the money that Penn gave me and set it aside in a savings account for Lily’s future since Walden had plenty of money.

  When dinner was over, Walden seemed to linger at the table. I sat back and watched him, pushing away the desire to clean the table off. He ran a hand through his drying hair and then stared at me.

  “What is going on with you?” I asked Walden as he shifted in his seat.

  “I have been waiting for this day, Penny. I’ve been waiting for you to be mine.”

  I nodded with a smile.

  “I am yours.”

  “I want you to be mine, Penny. I want Lily to have my name as well as you. Be my wife, Penny. Marry me.” His words were simple but full of need and I stared at him.

  “Walden, I just got the papers,” I laughed as he dropped to his knees, still as tall as my knees.

  “I know. I waited for today. I want to marry you as soon as possible.” I kissed Walden as I dropped to the floor with him. He pulled me against him and his mouth claimed mine again and again. “Will you, Penny?”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I replied as he kissed me hard, lifting me to carry me to the bedroom.

  We made love as he kept telling me that he loved me, holding my hips as I rode him.

  I had a beautiful diamond ring that was a lovely round stone surrounded by smaller ones. I recognized it as his mother’s ring when he pulled it from his jeans after our first round, crying as he slipped it on my finger. I pressed my body to his and kissed him, feeling him swell again inside of me.

  I loved Walden and was ready to start a family with him, thinking ahead to when our own baby would be born. I couldn’t wait to have a future that I felt good about and I rose over him again as Walden gripped my hips.

  “More,” he growled as I press
ed my hands to his chest, breathing deeply.



  Lily was born a month after I proposed to Penny and we barely made it to the hospital in time to meet her.

  Nancy was there and Bri came to cheer her on and the labor only totaled five hours.

  I stared at the baby, wondering if she didn’t look a bit like me as she stretched her arms and cried. Nancy was crying and Bri hugged Penny as the nurse set our daughter on her chest.

  She was small at just seven pounds but beautiful. She had a lot of Penny’s features but hair that was similar in color to mine. Penn was dark-haired like Penny and I looked at her. She was crying and touching Lily’s head as she smiled.

  We got settled into our own room and Mark and Lindsay came to meet Lily. Mark seemed like he was more than proud to meet his niece and Lindsay held her carefully as she made promises to her cousin of the fun they would have. It warmed my heart that Penny agreed to give Lily my mother’s middle name as well as the name they adopted me under.

  Lily Abigail Jean Morrow was her name.

  I stayed in the room with her, stretching out on the small chair in the corner as I listened to Penny breathe. Lily slept well, waking up once in the late morning so Penny could feed her. It was taking some time, but they were adjusting well to the changes.

  People came to visit us throughout the day, bringing teddy bears and flowers as they met our daughter. Penny loved the company but was happy to get some sleep later that night before we went home the following day.

  I was proud to bring them home, setting Lily in the bassinet in the living room as Penny sat down on the couch. She was beautiful but looked tired and I got her some water, sitting beside her.

  Penny smiled at me, kissing me softly before she looked towards our sleeping daughter. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

  “Just like her mama,” I assured her, slipping my arm around her shoulders.

  “She doesn’t look like him. More like you,” Penny continued as I smiled. “Maybe he isn’t a part of her life in any way at all.”

  “I’d love her either way,” I told Penny as she kissed my jaw.

  “Will you love me six weeks from now when I turn you away in bed?” Penny asked as I chuckled.

  “We’ll manage,” I told her as I took in the silence of the room. “When do you want to get married?”


  I watched Mark and Walden standing at the arch as they talked together. I was marrying him; my friend and now my lover. Bri was standing beside me and Mama was holding Lily. It was small with just the town folk watching my real wedding.

  Penn was just practice and he only gave me Lily, whom I adored.

  I heard the sounds of Lindsay and Bri’s song playing in the air and my niece stood tall in her cream dress. She carried her basket of pink roses and walked forward, dropping them along the path that led to the river. I watched her with pride, hiding around the corner so Walden wouldn’t see me.

  He looked incredible. He and Mark were massive in their tuxedos and had their hair pulled back as they looked at Lindsay walking down the aisle.

  Bri took my hand and squeezed me as she murmured how much she was looking forward to the end of the night when she could jump my brother. I laughed, not wanting the details but all too aware of how into each other she and my brother were. She confessed to me that she was two months pregnant this last week but didn’t want to rain on my parade. We’d celebrate later.

  She was going to wait until twelve weeks to go public with the news. I was thrilled for her and cried when she told me.

  Lindsay finished and stood near Mark as she looked at her mother.

  “My turn!” Bri said as she tossed back her curls.

  She looked stunning in a flowing, soft pink dress and I saw how much Mark’s eyes softened when he saw her. He was going to be a wonderful father to this baby just as he was to Lindsay.

  When Bri was finished, I took a deep breath. My father wasn’t here, and Mama was holding the baby, so I was walking down the aisle on my own. I didn’t feel alone at all. Everyone watched me with love and support in their eyes, while Walden’s eyes promised me forever.

  I smiled at him, feeling peace settle over me as I walked towards him. I glanced at Mama and saw my daughter sleeping peacefully in her arms as she watched me with tears in her eyes.

  They looked beautiful together and I felt tears springing into my eyes.

  I reached the end of the aisle and Mark stepped forward to kiss my cheek gently.

  I smiled at him and moved beside Walden as he reached out to touch my back gently. We’d written our vows and both cried through them as we spoke, sending most of the guests into tears with our words.

  I felt complete when the pastor announced us as man and wife, knowing that this was the man I was supposed to be with. He was everything and I gasped as he kissed me chastely in front of everyone. He whispered that he’d be doing what he really wanted to do when we were in our suite that overlooked this same river in Helena.

  We had a big dinner and danced in the reception hall of the hotel until the wee hours. I made sure that Lily was fed before Mama took her to her room for the night.

  Walden led me to the honeymoon suite and lifted me as he opened the door. I teased him about that being a tradition at our home, but he silenced me with a kiss after we were alone. He promised me he’d do it everywhere before taking me to the huge bed that was covered in rose petals.

  We made love there, whispering about the baby he was going to put in my belly. Lily was only three months old and we were willing to wait but Walden told me how he was going to do it as I came around him. I cried out his name as my husband took me hard and deep, clinging to him as he pressed his face into my neck.

  We made love that night several times until passing out. I woke early to feed Lily in Mama’s room, staring down at my beautiful girl. I was married and she was Walden’s through and through. We had plans to have lunch with the people that stayed in town and see the sights, spending the time with the people that we loved.

  One Year Later…


  I watched as Lily toddled around the living room with a smile, stroking my growing belly. Mark, Bri, Lindsay, and their new addition Jacob were due over anytime for dinner and I couldn’t wait to see my baby nephew.

  Walden stepped inside the door, looking at us as he closed it.

  We’d decided to move back into the bigger house and he worked on upgrading it with Mark. It was beautiful, and the four bedrooms would serve us well with our son coming in about four months. Walden junior was going to be a wonderful sibling, cousin, and grandchild to our growing family. Walden spoke of having ten kids just to see me get pregnant again and I would always protest.

  I’d give him anything he wanted.

  He kissed Lily, spinning her in his huge arms as she giggled the way that only Daddy made her do. He carried her over to me, kissing me softly before asking how I felt.

  Later that night, I watched from my couch as my family interacted. I was filled with joy as Lindsay played with Lily and we passed Jacob around. I had everything I wanted and stroked my stomach, thinking about my son coming into this love.

  I met Walden’s eyes across the room as he chatted with Mark and he smiled warmly at me.

  It might have taken several years to get here but he was everything I needed and wanted. He gave me everything that Penn never did and treated Lily as his own.

  I blew him a kiss and he caught it, pressing it against his Henley as I laughed to myself.

  It worked out well for all of us and I leaned back against the cushions and closed my eyes. I memorized the sounds around me and smiled to myself, filled with warmth and love.


  The End

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